Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New Belgium UAR Heroes #1

This is the 1st installment of New Belgium Urban Assault Ride Heroes. It's our way for giving props to the folks doing things cool in our bike and beer community. To thank them for their efforts, we're showering them with UAR gifts, free entries, and our unconditional love.

And the winner is.....Dero Bike Racks! What makes Dero a Hero, you ask? Well I'll tell ya....the good folks at Dero not only make it easier and safer to park and lock your bicycle, they also do it in a sustainable and creative way - using materials like recycled rebar, and environmentally safe paint and thermoplastic coatings. With Dero's creations in the world, bike parking has been taken to a new level of artistic expression. Their digs are also wind-powered, dog friendly, and all about bike commuting.
Mark from Dero answered some questions for us about makes Dero so darn special...

1. Complete this sentence: “There are few problems the bike can’t solve, for example....”
The Ginzburg Landau Equation, [u(t,x+Ä x)-2u(t,x)+u(t,x-Ä x)]/Ä x2 describing the oscillations in isotropic media, my bike has tried and failed miserably.

2. What are you personally doing to make the world a better place?
Bending pipe at Dero Bike Racks to make the planet a safer place to lock your bike to.

3. Roth or Hagar?
The Roth, while not being tax free initially, has fewer withdrawal restrictions and earnings are tax free when you or your beneficiary withdraw them. Not familiar with the Hagar account? Wait a minute……………The Red Rocker, Rock n Roll Hall of Famer, Sammy Hagar!

4. What’s the best bike ride you’ve ever been on and why?
Going to the Sun Highway ride in Glacier National Park thru Logan Pass, the end of a long 6 week tour with Cycle America and heading home!!! Oh yeah, and last year’s Minneapolis Urban Assault Race.

5. What other bike/beer related info do you have to throw down?
Frank Zappas advice to third world countries: “You can't be a real country unless you have a beer and an airline. It helps if you have some kind of a football team, or some nuclear weapons, but at the very least you need a beer. “

Thanks for the wisdom Mark - now for some of Dero's work:
How'd you like to lock your steed to one of this fish's ribs?
Here's their Fixit station. It has tools, a pump, and suspends your bike while you work on it. Very nice.
This Green Tree is made of 96% recycled materials. Gotta love that.
Here's the DeroSaurus. This is a cool one and every school needs it.

So thanks for your work Dero! We'll see you all in Minneapolis - the beers are on us!

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